Tuesday, August 23, 2011


The Illinois Mission District is gaining ground!  On Sunday, August 28, Pastor Preston Foster will be installed as pastor of Christ the King Lutheran Church, De Soto, IL.  The service is at 5:00 p.m.  We will soon be installing pastors at St. John, Flanagan, and at St. John, Danforth. 

If any of you could make it to these installations, that would be a great sign of solidarity.  We have a lot of miles.  Anything we can do to bridge these miles is a great benefit.

Pr. Jim Lehmann -- Provisional Dean

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Convocation etc


I am sorry that I failed to post items from the Convocations and Theological Conference.  Here are a few things.

The Theological Conference "Salvation Today" was again excellent.  The papers will be published by American Lutheran Publicity Bureau.  Watch for them later this fall.

The Convocation made many important decisions.  It elected Rev. John Bradosky Bishop.  The installation service was inspiring.  It chose a new name for the "geographic subdivisions."  They are now officially named "Mission Districts." 

The dates for next year's events are:  August 14 Lutheran CORE Convocationi;  August 15-16 Theological Conference;  August 16-17 NALC Convocation.  The site is not yet finalized.  We expect a decision by mid September.

Two items for our mission district.  First, we will need to schedule a constituting meeting after the proposed constitution for the MD has been finalized.  At that meeting, we will elect officers.  It may be after the first of the year before we can do that.

Second, we may wish to have another "getting to know you" meeting this fall.  We will soon have a recommendation for health/pension for the NALC and L-CORE.  I think it may be of benefit to pastors and congregations to have a representative from the Hahn Group here to present this option.  I spoke to their leadership and they would be happy to come down.

Question:  When would be a good time to do that?  When are your congregational meetings?  When are your budgets developed?  Would October work for folks?  Let me know what you think.

Pr. Jim Lehmann -- Provisional Dean

Friday, August 5, 2011


The dean is going nuts!  He is constantly blogging now!

I just received word that the NALC Convocation will be livestreamed on the web.  If people would like to view the proceedings, they can simply go to the North American Lutheran Church website.  The technology is being work out and will soon be available.

The web address is:   http://www.thenalc.org/

I will try to post a few things about the Lutheran CORE Convocation and maybe something from the theological conference.

See some of you soon!

Pr. Jim Lehmann -- Provisional Dean

International Relationships

God is blessing us and enriching our lives together.  Not only are we growing in size and relationship here in America, but we are becoming ever more connected globally.  You may remember that a group of us went to Ethiopia in February.  We participated in their Theological and Mission Conference.  We also met with the leadership of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus.  That is beginning to bear fruit. 

At our Convocation, we will act on two recommendations from the Executive Council.  It is proposed that we enter into full communion with the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Uganda.  If the Convocation approves, congregations will have to ratify the decision.

According to our provisional constitution, full communion means:  1) The recognition that each church is an authentic churchbody within the one Church of Christ according to the Lutheran confession; 2) The admission of members in the one churchbody to the Lord's Table in the other churchbody; 3) The permission  of pastors in the one church to preach and preside at worship services in the other church; and 4) The interchangeability of pastors in one church to serve as pastors in the other church.

God is blessing us with relationships around the globe.  Other African Lutherans are watching and drawing strength from our common work of the Gospel.  We can learn from each other.  We are not in this alone.  The Holy Spirit provides for us!

Pr. Jim Lehmann -- provisional dean

Thursday, August 4, 2011


At the convocation, we will adopt a constitution for the North American Lutheran Church.  To this point, we have worked under a provisional constitution.  I hope that you have read the proposal.  There are many, many amendments.  The vast majority of them are stylistic and linguistic.  There are a few substantive changes.  Take a look and see what you think.

Pr. Jim Lehmann -- provisonal dean

Regional Subdivisions

There has been much discussion regarding the "regional subdivisions."  To this point, they have been called "deaneries."  Why?  Because it is a churchly term which has not been used by previous bodies.  "Circuit," "district," "conference," etc. have all been used.  The simple definition of a deanery is that it is the area in which the dean lives. 

At the convocation, a decision will be made regarding the name.  The plan is that no more than 20 minutes be allotted to this discussion.  Probably the two terms which have received the most support are "deanery" and "mission district."  We hope that we can select a name which will be accepted by all.

After the convocation, the regional subdivisions will be meeting.  The majority of them will take place after Christmas.  The purpose will be 1) to elect a permanent dean (all the provisional deans have been asked to extend their service until the meeting can take place), 2) to adopt a constitution (a model is being developed) so that business can be conducted over the long term, 3) to build a stronger relationship among the pastors and congregations, 4) to work on ways that we can carry out ministry together, and 5) to conduct other business as seems good.

Shortly after the convocation, we will create a small task force of pastors and laity to make plans for the regional subdivision meeting.

(How did I do on not using a name until after the convocation? lol)

Pr. Jim Lehmann -- provisional dean