Thursday, June 23, 2011

Vacations are great

Vacations are great.  This week has been wonderful.  But work continues.

The Lutheran Church of Mahomet held a first vote on June 12.  It garnered 55% of the vote.  While not enough, plans are underway to consider a second attempt at a first vote.  Remember them.

First Lutheran Church, Paxton, IL, will have a second vote this Sunday, June 26.  If successful, they will be joining the North American Lutheran Church.  Remember them as well.

I hope you are having a good summer.  Remember, the days are getting shorter already.  When you make plans to come for the NALC Convocation (August 11-12) please consider coming for the Lutheran CORE Convocation (8/9) and the Theological Conference (8/10-8/11).  It will be a great time for learning and fellowship.

God's blessings on you.

Pr. Jim Lehmann -- Provisional Dean

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

moving forward

I have a photo that I wanted to post.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to figure out the computer format stuff.  (I could have our son do it, but he is in Madison, WI)  Christ the King, De Soto, took a picture of their Easter worship service.  This is a new congregation.  There must be 50 people in the group.  How exciting!  They now have some land to build a sanctuary!  They are moving forward.  How will God provide the funds for a building?  Only God knows.  But God promises to provide.

I am asking that you keep the Lutheran Church of Mahomet in your prayers.  They will take a vote on Pentecost Sunday, June 12.  This will be their first vote to separate from the ELCA.  This has been a long struggle.  We ask that the Holy Spirit would give wisdom and courage as they do.

I also just learned that St. Peter, Benson, took a first vote on May 1.  It passed by approximately 75%.  Their second vote will be either July 31 or August 7. 

This past week or two, I received two invitations to speak at congregations that are just beginning the process of discernment.  People are still learning the options.  If you know of congregations that need some information regarding the North American Lutheran Church, please talk to them.  If they would like me to come, that is fine as well.

May the Holy Spirit grant you a blessed celebration of Pentecost.

Pr. Jim Lehmann, Provisional Dean