Convocation etc
I am sorry that I failed to post items from the Convocations and Theological Conference. Here are a few things.
The Theological Conference "Salvation Today" was again excellent. The papers will be published by American Lutheran Publicity Bureau. Watch for them later this fall.
The Convocation made many important decisions. It elected Rev. John Bradosky Bishop. The installation service was inspiring. It chose a new name for the "geographic subdivisions." They are now officially named "Mission Districts."
The dates for next year's events are: August 14 Lutheran CORE Convocationi; August 15-16 Theological Conference; August 16-17 NALC Convocation. The site is not yet finalized. We expect a decision by mid September.
Two items for our mission district. First, we will need to schedule a constituting meeting after the proposed constitution for the MD has been finalized. At that meeting, we will elect officers. It may be after the first of the year before we can do that.
Second, we may wish to have another "getting to know you" meeting this fall. We will soon have a recommendation for health/pension for the NALC and L-CORE. I think it may be of benefit to pastors and congregations to have a representative from the Hahn Group here to present this option. I spoke to their leadership and they would be happy to come down.
Question: When would be a good time to do that? When are your congregational meetings? When are your budgets developed? Would October work for folks? Let me know what you think.
Pr. Jim Lehmann -- Provisional Dean
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