Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Lutheran World Federation Membership

Dear Friends,

For those who were able to attend the North American Lutheran Church Convocation, thank you for your participation. For those of you who were not, we look forward to being with you August 5-9, 2013, in Pittsburgh, PA. Again, the Lutheran CORE Convocation, the Theological Conference, and the NALC Convocation will be held the same week.

One item considered at the Convocation which calls for congregational action is in regard to the NALC’s application to become a member of the Lutheran World Federation. Bishop Bradosky will send official notification. I want to encourage you to prayerfully consider this action and to schedule a congregational meeting to vote on ratification of the application.

The resolution states:
"Now, Therefore, be it Resolved that the North American Lutheran Church apply for full membership in the Lutheran World Federation, accepting its constitution, and that the NALC congregations be encouraged to ratify this application by December 31, 2012."

Our constitution requires that an action such as this must be passed by 2/3 of the delegates at the Convocation and then ratified by 2/3 of the congregations casting ballots. (If a congregation fails to cast a ballot, they are not counted as support or opposing the action.) The constitution provides for a six month voting process. The resolution requests, but does not require, congregations to vote before December 31, 2012. The reason for the shorter time is to be in sync with the LWF time frame.

If you would like to discuss this item with me, I would be happy to do so. You may respond to this blog or contact me privately.

May God Bless you.

Pr. Jim Lehmann STS