Thursday, November 17, 2011


Sometimes we find theology in unexpected places.  In the 11/17 News-Gazette, sports writer Loren Tate quoted New York Times writer, David Brooks.  Brooks was discussing the events at Penn State and how many people have commented, "If I were there, I know what I would have done.  I would have acted much more appropriately than they did." 

Quoting Mr. Brooks:  "Commentators ruthlessly vilify all involved from the island of their own innocence.  Everyone gets to proudly ask: 'How could they have let this happen'  The proper question is:  How can we overcome our natural tendency to evade and self-deceive?  That was the proper question after Abu Ghraib, Madoff, the Wall Street follies and a thousand other scandals.  But it's a question this society has a hart time asking because the most seductive evasion is the one that leads us to deny the underside of our own nature."

That sounds like a great secular description of Genesis 3 and of the denial of original sin.  Lutherans ought to have some good understanding of original sin that infects us all and of the only means to salvation.  A work righteousness world needs a strong dose of Law/Gospel preaching.

Happy Evangelizing!

Pr. Jim Lehmann -- Dean

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mission District Convocation

The “Illinois Mission District” convened on Saturday, November 5, 2011, at First Lutheran Church, Paxton, IL.   One of the first orders of business was to select a formal name.  The Convocation agreed upon the “Great Rivers Mission District”.  Currently, the Great Rivers Mission District consists of 14 congregations and 21 pastors.  Congregations average 575 members, and there are 8,056 Baptized members in this Mission District. 
The North American Lutheran Church is in the process of applying for membership in the Lutheran World Federation. We are working most closely with the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekene Yesus. The Roman Catholic Church has also urged us to joining the LWF, as this will be the easiest way for them to communicate with us.  General Secretary Mark Chavez explained the ministry opportunities between Lutheran CORE and the North American Lutheran Church. 

Pastor James Lehmann was elected Dean of the Mission District.  The members of the District Council were also elected.  Clergy members are:  Carl Rasmussen, First, Kirkland; Michael Sculley, St. John, Flanagan; and Donna Smith, Champaign.  Lay members are:  David Buhr, First Lutheran, Paxton;  Con Campbell, St. John, Danforth; Judy Rademaker, Immanuel, Thomasboro.  Terms of office for this first election have been scattered among the members; thereby, electing some members each year without the need for a totally new Advisory Council.

A constitution was adopted.  Budget discussion followed.  The Convocation determined to provide financial support for travel for District leaders’ expenses, communication – which includes creation and maintenance of a web site – as well as funds for future events.  The Convocation suggested a contribution of $ .45 per Baptized member.

Pr. Jim Lehmann, Dean