Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mission District Convocation

The Illinois Mission District will be holding its organizational convocation on Saturday, November 5, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.  First Lutheran Church, 301 S. College St., Paxton, will be our host.  Our General Secretary, Rev. Mark Chavez, will be with us.  Each congregation should be represented with the same number of representatives as they have for the North American Lutheran Church Convocation.  Please bring as many others as are interested.

Items of business include:  adoption of a constitution, election of officers, acceptance of a budget, and future planning.

Regarding the constitution, there is no official "model constitution" for mission districts.  There is one which has been developed by some of the deans and districts.  Rev. Jeffray Greene is working with that to propose for our district.  A question has come up regarding the election of the dean.  One option is to elect the dean from a list of nominees from the floor of the convocation.  A second option is to use a pure or modified ecclesiastical ballot.  In either case, at what point does an election take place?  Is an election whenever an individual reaches a majority or should we use a sliding scale (each successive ballot requiring a lower percent for election?

What are your thoughts?

Pr. Jim Lehmann -- Provisional Dean


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