Saturday, May 12, 2012

Executive Council

May 8-10, 2012

We spent time in strategic planning. The purpose is to discover exactly why we exist, what we have to offer, what priorities we have, and how to carry those priorities into the life of the North American Lutheran Church. Some groundwork was laid at our last meeting, and the process will be completed at our next meeting. This is important work for an organization which is just getting off the ground as well as for organizations who want to clarify a sense of direction. The thrust is to define, condense, and simplify so that everyone understands and can buy into the vision and direction of the NALC.

The NALC is working to join the Lutheran World Federation. The application is moving smoothly. The next step will be for the Convocation to pass a resolution adopting the proposal. Then congregations will be asked to ratify the decision. It will be a short turn around so that we can meet LWF schedules. Once we have completed our process, the membership committee will make the invitation to accept us. Why do we want to join LWF? The NALC is committed to working with other Christian bodies to make a clear witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Part of that witness will be to speak to other member bodies. We have received encouragement from the African churches as well as the Roman Catholic Church who truly want us in the Federation.

A significant number of congregations in Canada are expected to join the NALC. A Canadian Commission has been established to work on the legal issues involved in having and international church. They cannot be direct members of NALC because of the legal, tax exempt, transfer of funds, and pastoral acts issues in Canada. Recently, a Canadian Theological Conference was held at which 90 pastors came.

When a mission congregation is developed, it can enter at several "entry points." These are in ascending order of size: Mission Post (small number of people who are meeting together at occasional times to see what may develop in their area) --> House Church (a group that meets weekly for worship and study) --> Mission Fellowship (a group that meets, perhaps in a community building, often with a pastor who may be retired or called in another setting. They are gathering funds in order to have resources in the event they become a congregation) --> Mission congregation (a congregation which is fully functional, but is very young and may need outside help) --> Mission Multiplication (a congregation which is mature enough that it can replicate itself in a larger area by establishing a second campus. This is a primary way that congregations grow in Ethiopia). Currently, we have 52 mission congregations.

Renewal of Congregations is a way of helping existing congregations get re-energized in their mission outreach. Some elements involved are: 1) renewal and discipleship conferences; 2) coaching and follow up mentoring; 3) network of congregations; and 4) recommended renewal practices and resources.
We have an Ethnic Ministry Strategy. We already have congregations representing these groups: Hispanic, Oromo/Ethiopian, Chinese/Asian, Sudanese, and Vietnamese Ministry Strategy. Look at the Diversity!!! We need to bring them into the mainstream of the Mission District!!


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